Friday, March 27, 2009

Cynthia's Attic's, Gus, Hijacks Blog!

She's really done it, now. Gus, *endearing* MC in the series, "Cynthia's Attic," has hijacked the Teen-Seen Blog, and she's NOT LEAVING!

I'm A Star!!

Please try to convince her to come home! I really need her back here to help me find Sebastien's girlfriend, Emeline who disappeared through the magic trunk in "The Magician's Castle." Hate to admit it, but I have severe writer's block without her.

Teen-Seen Blog! Help me get Gus back before somebody gets hurt (or embarrassed!)


Iris Black said...

Hang in there Mary! We'll get her back!


Mary Cunningham said...

Thanks, Iris! If anyone can help, it's you!!

Iris Black said...

I've got an almost ransom note and everything! Check it out at:
